4 Books That I'm Going To Be Reading This Summer

July 23, 2017 2 Comments A+ a-

Hey guys. Fingers crossed that this is going to be a short and sweet post but all I’m going to be writing about in this blog post (whilst I paint my nails) is about the books I am going to be reading this summer. Considering that the majority of you guys reading this blog post are either bloggers, general writers, amazing close friends of mine or people who love to read - most of you will know or understand how reading is great in general.

It is so easy to become absorbed into things that are completely irrelevant in making you happy or enabling you to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. I honestly challenge some of you guys to let go of things that are not contributing growth whatsoever.
Whether it be certain apps, music, TV shows or even a bad habit, this can be replaced with something that will actually help you. For example, reading :-)
Honestly, it’s a must I get into reading this summer and not just reading books on my phone but paperback books. I feel that I am spiritually down because I’ve invested a lot of time and emotions into things that are not relevant instead of using that time to get to know myself, my goals and God. Personally, I think reading is a hobby that will definitely force you to be away from technology and put you in a position to be alone and spend time genuinely by yourself as opposed to spending time alone but with 100 other people through a screen.
You eventually realise it becomes unhealthy and eventually, spiritually draining. But onto the books!

1. Playing Hard

Now actually this is a book that I’m reading online (the irony and juxtaposition, shout out to my English squad who’s doing English next year). But this book is actually alright, it kinda drags but I’m still yet to finish the book. (UPDATE: I've finished the book and I would recommend it to anyone who loves the movie 'Love and Basketball'.)
It’s basically a typical romance which is about a boy and girl who are different and cannot be together because of their difference and end up catching feelings for each other. It can be found on Wattpad where all the remaining information on the novel can be found.

2. Keysha’s Drama: A Kimani Tru Novel

Now – any Kimani Tru book, ANY book from the collection I always love. The love is reaaaaal out here for Kimani Tru books because they’re interesting, relatable, funny and enlightening (in terms of life over the pond). I would recommend this to anyone of ethnic minority and anyone interested in drama in within books.

3. The Boy Free Zone

There is a crazy reason why I’m reading this. I must have been with some friends in my school library doing things you shouldn’t be doing in a library (talking loudly and laughing but it’s always loud in the library). So I was bored and picked up the nearest book that caught my eye and the title hooked me. I got the book, well temporarily borrowed it without signing it out, and it’s been sitting on my shelf ever since.
To be honest I have to read this book this summer because I have to return this back to school on results day because that is the biggest chance I’ll get to put it back (if I don't end up going to my school's sixth form). So wish me luck! Plus the book, from what I can remember because I’m too lazy to get up and get it, is about a girl that’s bored in a town and a hot guy comes and she’s mesmerised. If that’s not the plot, I’m so soooorrryyyyy guys but I'm lazy as anything rn.

4. Drama high: Frenemies

 I think I’ve read this book previously but I’m not 100% sure but I’ve definitely come into contact with the series and for the most part it’s okay. I’ve actually started this book but I stopped due to exams but this book was actually interesting up until the part I stopped so I’m definitely going to be catching up with it!

Thank you guys for reading! I honestly challenge you guys to spend some genuine time by yourself. It doesn’t have to be reading. Take the time to understand your purpose and don’t let anything consume your mind that does not aid your personal growth! You’re amazing and you need to start to feed your spirit.
“Show me your friends and I’ll tell you your character” – An African proverb

Simply, Jessy Tee

What They Never Told Me About Blogging | SimplyJessyTee

July 18, 2017 2 Comments A+ a-

Hi guys and welcome back to my blog! Recently getting back into blogging, I’ve realised a few things that before starting this journey I was not quite aware of because nobody TOLD MEH. In this post I wanted to share 5 things that nobody tells you before you start blogging and hopefully to anyone who does not have a blog, it will give you a more personal insight of what goes on behind the scenes. And for those that do have a blog, I hope you find this relatable as I wouldn’t want to be the only one who goes/went through this.

1. You are forced to learn HTML.

This has to be the worst one for me. A quick confession: I HATED designing the template/layout for my blog and vowed I would NEVER do it again. From the widgets, to the favicon and back to the sidebar – it was genuinely an awful experience for me. Things that went wrong would be the end of the world. There was one time I risked deleting everything from my blog when I was designing it. Honestly I would rather buy another template in the future than re-design my blog all by myself, I kid you not. I didn’t mind making the logo, header and icon designs but that was a grain of salt compared to what I did overall. For some they love HTML, for me – just no.

2. Using a camera becomes rocket science

Now, to take the photo – 50/50. Upload the photos – fine. Selecting the right photo to use in a post – great. BUT! To create the layout, to find useful things to take for the blog post itself, to edit the photo using a website (especially when your wifi is slow), to buy another SD card because the one you have won’t format which means on top of that you cannot access the photos on the card - I caaaan’t deal you guys. Its legit the one thing that I was not informed of, legit. For some, this is their favourite part of blogging but for me it's the most tedious and sometimes the most boring part. (I prefer to write.)

3. You’re more socially involved.

Before the blog, I never had an instagram account. My twitter was pretty much inactive, I never perceived Pinterest to be a place to attract potential readers and I didn’t even know that Bloglovin existed. Well now I have an instagram which I really like, I’m more active on my twitter, Pinterest is forever my favourite app and now Bloglovin allows me to read other great blog posts! I'm not the biggest lover of social media at times but due to blogging I've become more involved and when it comes to the blog, I actually enjoy using social medias.

4. You become more passionate

I feel I’ve become more passionate about it. I don’t see it as my career or lifelong dream but I do see me blogging in the long haul as something I like to do on the side and possibly going further in terms of going self-hosted and even investing more into it. But we'll see!

5. You either make it easier or harder for yourself.

One thing that I was told before blogging was that it is hard work and requires a lot of time, effort and other essential stuff. I shrugged that off and did it anyway because I didn’t want to be bored in summer 2k16.
In the beginning, it was hard for me because I put so much pressure and expectation on something that had been live for about 2-4 months which is hardly anything compared to those that have been doing it for 4-6 years. But as I had to weigh my priorities, I’ve realised, blogging is what you make it. If you can post 10 times a week, promote everything on everything along with taking a million perfect photos. Then you know what? Kudos to you and those that can do it because you make it look easy and amazing. But for me personally, doing that is begging for a breakdown. So instead, if I can’t do it, then I won’t do it. If I can, then I will.
At the end of the day, blogging is about being realistic and doing it because you're passionate about it and have a lot to bring to the table. You are in complete control so I would say that nobody told me that I don't need to pressure myself because I won't lie. Some bloggers make it seem like you have to love EVERY single second of blogging. And that's just not the case for me when I feel pressured to be perfect at it. One day at a time *claps, bows, and struts off her imaginary stage*

But that’s about it guys, This is one of those posts where I’m going to be annoyed later because I’ll feel like I’ve missed something out but it’s all good. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you have a restful day. God bless x
“If it’s meant to be, it will happen. If not then God will provide something better” – from a friend of mine.
Image source: Pexels

Simply, Jessy Tee

100 Things GCSEs Taught Me | SimplyJessyTee

July 09, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hiya guys. In this post I’m going to be listing the 100 things that GCSEs have taught me. There are various things that I have learned during the two year period that has shaped a lot of things for me in terms of outlook, priorities and people. It’s a funny one because some people will perceive it a lot differently than I did- I don’t know what made me click to take it so seriously the way I did but it did teach me a lot. Some I gained by my own personal observation, some gained from close friends (if they’re reading, they know who they are <3).
To anyone who’s unsure about the term GCSEs; it’s just what everyone between the ages of 14-16 have to do in their last two years of secondary education. They’re a set of subjects that you gain a qualification from once you’ve completed them. That’s it really.

1. Time is valuable. Wasted time, is worse than wasted money.
2. Everyday varies. Some days are great in terms of revision, others not so much
3. Only certain people will get why you’re so dedicated to it. Others will just not.
4. 2-3 close friends is all you NEED. Anymore is just a privilege, not a necessity
5. You gain or lose weight
6. Stress is real
7. Sometimes you’re going to feel completely alone
8. Responsibilities and chores don’t stop, you just need to figure everything out
9. A lack of organisation is study suicide
10. People can be crappy when it comes to their opinions
11. The dynamics of school change. The banter slowly plateaus because nobody has time
12. Squads break up too
13. School gets better then worse. Then restarts that same cycle
14. Guilt, jealousy and bitterness is real.
15. I’m human, not a perfect optimist.
16. I spend the most time with myself – so who’s to tell me who I be?
17. The most embarrassing memories are the funniest
18. Being careless becomes impossible at some point
19. 24 hours a day is not enough
20. There’s legit no time to do what you want, only what you HAVE to

21. “People will broadcast your mistakes and whisper your success”
22. Being an introvert is under-rated
23. You can’t control everything. People, situations, life etc.
24. There’s some bit of unfairness in everyone’s life
25. Crying is a consecutive thing before exams start
26. Relationships are over-rated
27. Revenge is 50/50
28. Whatever that worries you today will not control you this time next year
29. Everything and everyone becomes annoying at some point
30. Natural hair is not on your side during exam periods
31. Don’t wear slippery shoes. Don’t. Do. It.
32. Friends who waste your time with no compassion are short-lived friendships
33. Revising in a group is a joke (shout out to ‘D’ and ‘B’<3 )
34. Sometimes just go home and forget the match.
35. People change. And so do I.
36. Some teachers are not that bad. Some just never change
37. Karma is working its magic
38. You can’t do everything, sometimes let it go
39. Trust in God with all your heart
40. Your family are 50/50 when it comes to revision

41. Doing something fun is like you’re committing a crime
42. Birthday outings are to be taken with caution
43. You find out your flaws and just accept them
44. Nobody can do you better than you.
45. Going out is so loooooooong
46. 22 exams is …tragic.
47. This is the most intensive period of your exams ever. At least with A-levels there’s only 3-4. Plus a degree is one subject.
48. Music is your best friend
49. Work experience is hilarious (shout out to ‘D’ again)
50. Sometimes you have to say nothing. WWIII is just not needed right now
51. P.E has the worst moments and the best moments
52. You end up appreciating everything
53. Watching a film in class is the best thing ever because it’s extra sleep
54. Knowing how painful it is when people wake you up from sleep
55. No matter how far they may wonder, who’s supposed to be in your life will be in your life
56. Being petty is funny
57. Being petty only hurts you
58. Hormones is a mad ting
59. Be yourself always – no one can object to you being out of character. Not once.
60. “The realist people don’t have a lot of friends”- Tupac

61. Old songs bring back MEMORIES
62. Just because you miss someone doesn’t mean they have to be in your life
63. Change is good. To some extent
64. Anxiety is real
65. Art exams are the longest!! OMDS
66. Everything happens for a reason – One of my favourite quotes
67. Be the well-wisher and the go-getter
68. Nicki Minaj is just forever integrated in my pre-teen and teenager years
69. You have a dream now, go for it.
70. Support yourself because that’s all you got for definite in this world.
71. I will be successful
72. Surround yourself with beautiful people. Not in looks but in personality and soul
73. Crying over food is not exaggeration. It’s frustration
74. Laughing is the best thing
75. You can love and hate someone at the same time.
76. Liking the idea of  someone is not the same as liking them
77. Confident people don’t need to hate
78. Grind in silence.
79. The most private people are the ones that make you think you know everything about them but really you don’t begin to scratch the surface.
80. Studying for a language is not learning it, it’s remembering it

81. Memes are amazing
82. Pinterest is amazing
83. Social media is not that amazing
84. GCSEs are your main priority
85. You remember everything at night
86. You become more sensitive to certain things.
87. Everyone looks like they got their s*x% together but they don’t.
88. You never get enough sleep
89. You can’t remember the last time you went to bed at 9 o’clock
90. You become more passionate and ambitious
91. You realise that everything is a legit a journey to a better destination
92. You become so angry at petty things
93. Any excuse begins with “I’m revising…”
94. When exams start, you feel lighter
95. Starting early is better than starting later
96. In exams you legit don’t understand what’s going on, you think about your wedding, future kids, husband and jobs
97. You end up doing it for yourself as opposed to anyone else
98. Faith is more powerful than doubt.
99. You become closer to your family members
100 I will always win at the end of the day (figurative speech because I can’t hack netball)

If you read all of that, you’re the real MVP of my blog! Love you all and I hope some of that was relatable. Comment below your favourite one. Love ya loads guys!! Jessy x
“God is within her, she will not fail” – Psalm 46:5

Simply, Jessy Tee

I'm Back!! My Plans For Summer #2K17

July 02, 2017 4 Comments A+ a-

HEY GUYS! It has been sooooo long! I legit can’t remember the last time I sat down and wrote anything that wasn’t relating to exams. But it’s over and I’m honestly free and happy. There was a lot of fricking setbacks: no Wi-Fi, my SD card was not formatting so I had to get another one, a lack of motivation to at some point. So to blog again is a bit weird and I’m not gone lie, I felt to leave it for longer because I was kind of hesitant starting again. I was apprehensive about who’s reading it, is there going to be anymore updates with the HTML (which caused a lot of stress last year), will I still enjoy it and of course the big question: do I really want to continue with this? Overall, all of that was just doubts. Doubts that is slowly fading away. I DO enjoy blogging, in general I am a person who’s not easily knocked by opinions and if anything, it’s just restarting a process that I am excited about.

As I’m writing this, it does not feel like summer at all. It’s still early days and I’m yet to return to school to say goodbye so I’m not exactly like “YAY, SUMMER IS HERE” because it just feels like a half term week away from school. But when it does begin to feel like summer, here’s some of the things I plan to do!


A very obvious one. But hopefully I can post two times a week. I plan to be more ‘varied’ in my posts because I’ve got 2 months to myself. Then it’s a-levels and I really don’t know how that’s going to work :’D


Some may have guessed in certain Instagram posts but I have completed a GCSE in art. To say the least, it has made me a little passionate about the subject. It’s another thing I’m hesitant to do because I’m scared of flopping or getting something wrong. I was eager to start when exams were over but I’m just gone wait and see when I feel more willing to start a new project. Then I’ll share if I’m feeling courageous.


Probably might pursue medicine, I probably won’t. *shrugs shoulders* but regardless I need to start at some point. It’s the best way to boost my CV and make good use of my time. I’ll finish once I begin school again. A bit apprehensive with this ALSO (everything new makes me feel somehow) but I’m happy that I’m doing this.

Catch up with all my series/movies:

Yet to do a post on this but pretty little liars, The 100, EastEnders, Love Island, Star, Hit the floor, Gossip girl – Coming for all of you.

Meeting with friends:

Fingers crossed. Studying for exams has turned me into such an introvert, it's even been the cause of a lot of friendships not working out for me because my priorities were elsewhere. So overall, I’m not a fan of going out unless 100% sure it will be worth it and I’m guaranteed a great time – but to my closest friends, I’ll hopefully be seeing a lot of you this summer.


I miss reading, I honestly do. And the books I would read were so interesting. Anyway I’ll do a post on all what I’ll be reading this summer because I think the majority of you reading this will actually enjoy some of what I’m yet to absorb myself into. Plus I’m gone start reading the bible, I stopped before because some things didn’t even begin to make sense and it got a bit long. But some bits were interesting and helpful so I’ll be starting again.


Nope, not an ‘I’m going to start YouTube’ kind of motive. An ‘I’m going to watch the 350 saved to watch later videos that I was supposed to watch from last September’ motive.


Honestly just going to go through everything nostalgic and go through it. Photo albums, videos etc. It will be actually be nice to look at the 1000+ items in my library of photos and videos 

De-clutter my whole room:

From my wardrobe, to my bookshelf, to the stuff underneath my bed – It has to be sorted this summer or I swear I’ll never get the time to do it again.


That’s still pending due to my mum’s reluctance to allow me to go. If not, I'll catch up on all the sleep I missed out due to exams.

Thanks for reading guys. As always, I appreciate you guys sticking with me on this journey! Many more posts to come for summer 2k17!!
“Be thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family and dreams that turned into reality.” -unknown

Simply, Jessy Tee